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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to grow tulip

By an eHow Contributor

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One of the most popular springtime flowers is the tulip. Tulips are easy to grow. You only need to have a bit of space to plant the bulbs in the fall. Then just wait for those bulbs to grow into bright, sunny flowers that herald the coming of spring.

.Difficulty: Easy


Things You'll Need:

Tulip bulbs

Shovel or spade


1Plan your tulip garden in the fall. Late October or early November is the best time to plant tulip bulbs. Stagger tulip bulbs that are early bloomers with mid-season and late bloomers to prolong the blooms in your tulip garden.

2Replace bulbs that are over three years old. Fertilize the tulip bed if you aren't digging up any old bulbs.

3Dig a new tulip bed in a sunny location about a foot deep. Use a shovel or spade or tiller to turn the ground. Work fertilizer into the soil.

4Plant the tulip bulbs about one to two inches below the ground. Make sure the root portion of the bulb is pointing down. Space the tulips about six inches apart.

5Put mulch over the tulip bulbs if you live in a cold climate. If you live in a more moderate climate you can skip this step. Remember to remove the mulch as soon as the ground begins to warm in the spring.

6 Cut the tulips for indoor use if you like. Remove tulip heads from the plants as soon as they begin to fade. Leave the green stems alone for a while because they are feeding the bulb so it can grow and bloom again next year. Once the foliage dies, you can cut it back as well.